MEHi 15 Patient Room Signage
MEHi 15 Patient Room Signage

MEHi 15 Patient Room Signage

media mea

Regular price $997.00 Sale

Signage within patient rooms provides helpful dashboard of useful information as media mea’s MEHi 15" digital signage solution, providing updates on the status of the doctor, healthcare   tips and more useful information that the patient would be interested to see. Other useful functions would be for the nurse to be able to monitor the last treatments the patient was provided along with upcoming procedures the patient is required to take, the time for their next medication dose and any other information for doctors or nurses to pursue. The MEHi digital signage solution can also be used to provide useful and entertaining or genuinely educational material of interest to patients and visitors including providing targeted, relevant ads to patients and visitors.

Outside patient rooms, this is the perfect place for the MEHi 15" to be mounted on the wall and clearly be visible to everyone. It has similar functions as inside the rooms but also displaying the name of the patient occupying that room.

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